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Statistical Primers

What is immortal time bias?

Immortal time bias Immortal time bias is a type of bias that can occur in observational research when the study design allows for a period of time during which the outcome of interest cannot occur, often referred to as “immortal time”. Simply put, immortal time bias occurs when information from a future event is incorporated into the […]
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Statistical Primers

What is the proportional hazards assumption?

Proportional hazards Proportional hazards in survival analysis means that the rate at which an event of interest occurs over time for two or more groups or individuals is proportional over time. Specifically, it assumes that the hazard ratio, which represents the relative rate of an event occurring between two groups or individuals, is constant over […]
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Statistical Primers

What is censoring?

Censoring refers to a situation in survival analysis where the event of interest is not observed for some of the individuals under study. In this Statistical Primer, we’ll define three types of censoring often seen in survival analysis studies. Censoring occurs when the information on the survival time is incomplete or only partially observed. Censoring […]
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