Consultancy Services
We have years of experience developing and applying cutting-edge statistical methods to address real-world problems
Our Team Members have internationally leading expertise in applied biostatistics, covering a broad range of topics such as survival analysis, multi-state modelling, joint modelling, relative survival and data visualisation. We have years of experience conducting statistical analyses of clinical trials, observational and register-based studies, across numerous clinical areas.
Methods development
We are leaders in the development and application of cutting-edge statistical methods, with all of our team members actively involved in methodological research. We can provide expert guidance in finding the appropriate statistical approach to answer your question… and if there isn’t yet a method, well, we can help develop one.
Software application
Using one of our freely available software packages in your project? We have in house experts in development and application of statistical software, ready to provide direct advice and guidance on how to make the most of our cutting-edge solutions. Arrange a one-on-one session, or consider our range of training courses.
Related Resources
State-of-the-art statistical models for modern HTA
Multilevel (hierarchical) survival models: Estimation, prediction, interpretation
Statistical Primers