RDA software
merlin stands for Mixed Effects Regression for LInear, Non-linear and user-defined models. merlin has the capabilities to fit a linear regression or a Weibull survival model, a three-level logistic mixed effects model, or a multivariate joint model of multiple longitudinal outcomes (of different types) and a recurrent event and survival with non-linear effects… the list is rather endless.
multistate provides a set of commands, described below, for multi-state survival analysis. This includes data preparation tools, obtaining predictions from generalcontinuous time multi-state survival models, both Markov and semi-Markov, and plotting utilities. Transition hazard models must be estimated using the stmerlin or merlin commands.
survsim provides a cutting-edge framework for simulation of survival data. It allows simulation of survival data from a parametric distribution, a custom/user-defined distribution, from a fitted merlin model, from a specified cause-specific hazards competing risks model, or from a specified general multi-state model (with multiple timescales).
Related Resources
State-of-the-art statistical models for modern HTA
Multilevel (hierarchical) survival models: Estimation, prediction, interpretation
Statistical Primers
What are competing risks?
State-of-the-art statistical models for modern HTA
6th October 2023
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