Check out our extensive publication record across a wide range of clinical and statistical specialties

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  • Crowther MJ, Didelez V, John E, Sheehan N.

    Multiplicative versus additive modelling of causal effects using instrumental variables for survival outcomes – a comparison.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2024;(Online First).

  • Rögnvaldsson S, Thorsteinsdóttir S, Syriopoulou E, Sverrisdottir I, Turesson I, Eythorsson E, Oskarsson JT, Long TE, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Sigurdardottir M, Olafsson I, Thorsteinsdottir I, Aspelund T, Gislason GK, Olafsson A, Sigurdsson JK, Hultcrantz M, Durie BGM, Harding S, Bjorkholm M, Landgren O, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY.

    Prior cancer and risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: a population-based study in Iceland and Sweden.

    Haematologica 2024.

  • Rögnvaldsson S, Gasparini A, Thorsteinsdottir S, Sverrisdottir I, Eythorsson E, Einarsson Long T, Palmason R, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Sigurdardottir M, Olafsson I, Thorsteinsdottir I, Oskarsson JT, Jonsson A, Palsson R, Indriðason OS, Olafsson A, Hultcrantz M, Durie BGM, Harding S, Landgren O, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY.

    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and the risk of thrombotic events: Results from iStopMM, a prospective population-based screening study.

    British Journal of Haematology 2024;(Online First).

  • Freeman SC, Sutton AJ, Cooper NJ, Gasparini A, Crowther MJ, Hawkins N.

    Bayesian pairwise meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes in the presence of non-proportional hazards: A simulation study of flexible parametric, piecewise exponential and fractional polynomial models.

    Research Synthesis Methods 2024.

  • Batyrbekova N, Bower H, Dickman PW, Szulkin R, Lambert PC, Andersson TML.

    Potential bias introduced by not including multiple time-scales in survival analysis: a simulation study.

    Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2024;53(2):993-1006.

  • McCullough KA, Eisenga JB, Banwait JK, Gasparini A, Harrington KB, George TJ, Hutcheson KA, Smith RL 2nd, Brinkman WT, DiMaio JM, Schaffer JM.

    Hospital and surgeon surgical valvar volume and survival after multi-valve cardiac surgery in Medicare beneficiaries.

    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2024:S0022-5223(24)00778-5.

  • Illipse M, Gasparini A, Christoffersen B, Hall P, Czene K, Humphreys K.

    Studying the association between longitudinal non-dense breast tissue and breast cancer risk: a joint modelling approach.

    American Journal of Epidemiology, kwae196, 2024

  • Creignou M, Bernard E, Gasparini A, Tranberg A, Todisco G, Moura PL, Ejerblad E, Nilsson L, Garelius H, Antunovic P, Lorenz F, Rasmussen B, Walldin G, Mortera-Blanco T, Jansson M, Tobiasson M, Elena C, Ferrari J, Gallì A, Pozzi S, Malcovati L, Edgren G, Crowther MJ, Jädersten M, Papaemmanuil E, Hellström-Lindberg E.

    Early transfusion patterns improve the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) prediction in myelodysplastic syndromes.

    Journal of Internal Medicine 2024.

  • Curnow E, Hughes RA, Birnie K, Tilling K, Crowther MJ.

    Multiple imputation strategies for missing event times in a multi-state model analysis.

    Statistics in Medicine 2024;43(6):1238-1255.

  • Broomfield J, Abrams KR, Freeman S, Latimer N, Rutherford MJ, Crowther MJ, Project HERCULES, the Cooperative International Neuromuscular Research Group investigators and Duchenne Regulatory Science Consortium members.

    Modeling the multi‐state natural history of rare diseases with heterogeneous individual patient data: a simulation study.

    Statistics in Medicine 2024;43(1):184-200.

  • Broomfield J, Hill M, Chandler F, Crowther MJ, Godfrey J, Guglieri M, Hastie J, Larkindale J, Mumby-Croft J, Reuben E, Woodcock F, Abrams KR, Project HERCULES, the Cooperative International Neuromuscular Research Group investigators and Duchenne Regulatory Science Consortium members.

    Developing a Natural History Model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

    PharmacoEconomics-Open 2024;8(1):79-89.


  • Abalo KD, Smedby KE, Ekberg S, Eloranta S, Pahnke S, Albertsson-Lindblad A, Jerkeman M, Glimelius I.

    Secondary malignancies among mantle cell lymphoma patients.

    European Journal of Cancer 2023;195:113403.

  • Molander V, Bower H, Askling J.

    Validation and characterization of venous thromboembolism diagnoses in the Swedish National Patient Register among patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 2023;52(2):111-7.

  • Salinas CA, Louder A, Polinski J, Zhang TC, Bower H, Phillips S, et al.

    Evaluation of VTE, MACE,and serious infections among patients with RA treated with baricitinib compared to TNFi: a multi-database study of patients in routine care using disease registries and claims databases.

    Rheumatology and Therapy 2023;10(1):201-23.

  • Broomfield J, Abrams K, Latimer N, Guglieri M, Rutherford M, Crowther MJ.

    Natural history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in the United Kingdom: A descriptive study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.

    Brain and Behavior 2023;13(12);e3331.

  • Weibull CE, Wästerlid T, Engelbrekt Wahlin B, Andersson PO, Ekberg S, Lockmer S, Enblad G, Crowther MJ, Kimby E, Ekström Smedby K.

    Survival by first-line treatment type and timing of progression among follicular lymphoma patients: A national population-based study in Sweden.

    HemaSphere 2023;3:e838.

  • Skourlis N, Crowther MJ, Andersson TML, Lu D, Lambe M, Lambert PC.

    Exploring different research questions via complex multi-state models when using registry-based repeated prescriptions of antidepressants in women with breast cancer and a matched comparison group.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2023;23(1):87.

  • Hoogland J, Debray TPA, Crowther MJ, Riley RD, IntHout J, Reitsma JB, Zwinderman AH.

    Regularized parametric survival modeling to improve risk prediction models.

    Biometrical Journal 2023;66(1):2200319.

  • Crowther MJ, Royston P, M Clements M.

    A flexible parametric accelerated failure time model and the extension to time-dependent acceleration factors.

    Biostatistics 2023;24(3):811-831.

  • Leontyeva Y, Lambe M, Bower H, Lambert PC, Andersson TML.

    Including uncertainty of the expected mortality rates in the prediction of loss in life expectancy.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2023;23(1):291.

  • Bower H, Frisell T, di Giuseppe D, Delcoigne B, Lindström U, Turesson C, et al.

    Are JAKis more effective among elderly patients with RA, smokers and those with higher cardiovascular risk? A comparative effectiveness study of b/tsDMARDs in Sweden.

    RMD open 2023;9(4):e003648.

  • Huss V, Bower H, Hellgren K, Frisell T, Askling J.

    Cancer risks with JAKi and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis: a national real-world cohort study.

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82(7):911-9.

  • Frisell T, Bower H, Morin M, Baecklund E, Di Giuseppe D, Delcoigne B, et al.

    Safety of biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis as used in clinical practice: results from the ARTIS programme.

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82(5):601-10.

  • Molander V, Bower H, Frisell T, Delcoigne B, Di Giuseppe D, Askling J.

    Venous thromboembolism with JAK inhibitors and other immune-modulatory drugs: a Swedish comparative safety study among patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82(2):189-97.


  • Bower H, Frisell T, di Giuseppe D, Delcoigne B, Alenius GM, Baecklund E et al..

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with inflammatory joint diseases in Sweden: from infection severity to impact on care provision.

    RMD Open. 2022;8(1).

  • Bower H, Frisell T, Di Giuseppe D, Delcoigne B, Askling J.

    Influenza outcomes in patients with inflammatory joint diseases and DMARDs: how do they compare to those of COVID-19?

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2022;81(3):433-9.

  • Huss V, Bower H, Wadström H, Frisell T, Askling J.

    Short-and longer-term cancer risks with biologic and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs as used against rheumatoid arthritis in clinical practice.

    Rheumatology 2022;61(5):1810-8.

  • Leontyeva Y, Bower H, Gauffin O, Lambert PC, Andersson TML.

    Assessing the impact of including variation in general population mortality on standard errors of relative survival and loss in life expectancy.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2022;22(1):130.

  • Di Giuseppe D, Lindstrom U, Bower H, Delcoigne B, Frisell T, Chatzidionysiou K, et al.

    Comparison of treatment retention of originator vs biosimilar products in clinical rheumatology practice in Sweden.

    Rheumatology 2022;61(9):3596-605.

  • Tamási B, Crowther M, Puhan MA, Steyerberg EW, Hothorn T.

    Individual participant data meta-analysis with mixed-effects transformation models.

    Biostatistics 2022;23(4):1083-1098.

  • Skourlis N, Crowther MJ, Andersson TML, Lambert PC.

    On the choice of timescale for other cause mortality in a competing risk setting using flexible parametric survival models.

    Biometrical Journal 2022;64(7):1161-1177.

  • Ekberg S, Crowther M, Harrysson S, Jerkeman M, Ekström Smedby K, Eloranta S.

    Patient trajectories after diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma—a multistate modelling approach to estimate the chance of lasting remission.

    British Journal of Cancer 2022;127(9):1642-1649.

  • Smith H, Sweeting M, Morris T, Crowther MJ.

    A scoping methodological review of simulation studies comparing statistical and machine learning approaches to risk prediction for time-to-event data.

    Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 2022;6(1):1-15.

  • Batyrbekova N, Bower H, Dickman PW, Ravn Landtblom A, Hultcrantz M, Szulkin R, et al.

    Modelling multiple time-scales with flexible parametric survival models.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2022;22(1):290.

  • Bower H, Andersson TML, Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    Flexible parametric survival analysis with multiple timescales: Estimation and implementation using stmt.

    The Stata Journal 2022;22(3):679-701.

  • Longinetti E, Bower H, McKay KA, Englund S, Burman J, Fink K, et al.

    COVID-19 clinical outcomes and DMT of MS patients and population-based controls.

    Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 2022;9(9):1449-58.

  • Gasparini A, Humphreys K.

    A natural history and copula-based joint model for regional and distant breast cancer metastasis.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31, 12, 2415-2430, 2022

  • Gasparini A, Humphreys K.

    Estimating latent, dynamic processes of breast cancer tumour growth and distant metastatic spread from mammography screening data.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31, 5, 862-881, 2022.


  • Broomfield J, Hill M, Guglieri M, Crowther M, Abrams K.

    Life Expectancy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Reproduced Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis.

    Neurology 2021;97(23):e2304-e2314.

  • Achana F, Gallacher D, Oppong R, Kim S, Petrou S, Mason J, Crowther M.

    Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models for the Analysis of Clinical Trial–Based Cost-Effectiveness Data.

    Medical Decision Making 2021;41(6):667-684.

  • Weibull CE, Lambert PC, Eloranta S, Andersson TML, Dickman PW, Crowther MJ.

    A multistate model incorporating estimation of excess hazards and multiple time scales.

    Statistics in Medicine 2021;40(9):2139-2154.

  • Glimelius I, Smedby KE, Albertsson-Lindblad A, Crowther MJ, Eloranta S, Jerkeman M, Weibull CE.

    Unmarried or less-educated patients with mantle cell lymphoma are less likely to undergo a transplant, leading to lower survival.

    Blood Advances 2021; 5(6), pp. 1638-1647.

  • Hothorn T, Bopp M, Günthard H, Keiser O, Roelens M, Weibull CE, Crowther MJ.

    Assessing relative COVID-19 mortality: a Swiss population-based study.

    BMJ Open 2021; 11(3), pp. e042387.

  • Siegfried S, Bopp M, Günthard H, Keiser O, Weibull CE, Crowther MJ, Hothorn T.

    Assessing relative COVID-19 mortality during the second wave: a prospective Swiss population-based study.

    BMJ Open 2021; 11(10), pp. e051164.

  • Bower H, Frisell T, Di Giuseppe D, Delcoigne B, Ahlenius GM, Baecklund E, et al.

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on morbidity and mortality in patients with inflammatory joint diseases and in the general population: a nationwide Swedish cohort study.

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2021;80(8):1086-93.

  • Molander V, Bower H, Frisell T, Askling J.

    Risk of venous thromboembolism in rheumatoid arthritis, and its association with disease activity: a nationwide cohort study from Sweden.

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2021;80(2):169-75.


  • Philipson P, Hickey GL, Crowther MJ, Kolamunnage-Dona R.

    Faster Monte Carlo estimation of semiparametric joint models for time-to-event and multivariate longitudinal data.

    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2020;151:107010.

  • Harhay MO, Gasparini A, Walkey AJ, Weissman GE, Crowther MJ, Ratcliffe SJ, Russell JA, on behalf of the Vasopressin and Septic Shock Trial (VASST) Investigators.

    Assessing the Course of Organ Dysfunction Using Joint Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Modeling in the Vasopressin and Septic Shock Trial.

    Crit Care Expl 2020; 2:e0104.

  • Posch F, Riedl J, Reitter EM, Crowther MJ, Grilz E, Quehenberger P, Jilma B, Pabinger I, Ay C.

    Dynamic assessment of venous thromboembolism risk in patients with cancer by longitudinal D-Dimer analysis: A prospective study.

    J Thromb Haemost 2020;18(6):1348-1356.

  • Ashra N, Mariott L, Johnson S, Abrams KR, Crowther MJ.

    Jointly modelling longitudinally measured urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin and early pregnancy outcomes.

    Scientific Reports 2020;10(1):4589.

  • Brilleman S, Wolfe R, Moreno-Betancur M, Crowther MJ.

    Simulating survival data using the simsurv package in R.

    Journal of Statistical Software 2020;97:1-27.

  • Crowther MJ.

    merlin – a unified framework for data analysis and methods development in Stata.

    Stata Journal 2020:20(4):763-784

  • Gasparini A, Abrams KR, Barrett JK, Major JK, Sweeting MJ, Brunskill NJ, Crowther MJ.

    Mixed effects models for healthcare longitudinal data with an informative visiting process: a Monte Carlo simulation study.

    Statistica Neerlandica 2020;74(1):5-23.

  • Osvald EC, Bower H, Lundholm C, Larsson H, Brew BK, Almqvist C.

    Asthma and all-cause mortality in children and young adults: a population-based study. 

    Thorax 2020;75(12):1040-6.

  • Evans M, Bower H, Cockburn E, Jacobson SH, Barany P, Carrero JJ.

    Contemporary management of anaemia, erythropoietin resistance and cardiovascular risk in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: a nationwide analysis.

    Clinical Kidney Journal 2020;13(5):821-7.

  • Plym A, Johansson AL, Bower H, Wennstig AK, Fredriksson I, Ahlgren J, et al.

    Impact of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and endocrine therapy on sick leave in women with early-stage breast cancer during a 5-year period: a population-based cohort study. 

    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2020;182:699-707.


  • Bower H, Crowther MJ, Rutherford MJ, Andersson TML, Clements M, Liu X, Dickman PW, Lambert PC.

    Capturing simple and complex time-dependent effects using flexible parametric survival models: A simulation study.

    Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 2019;50(11):3777-3793.

  • Crowther MJ.

    Multilevel mixed effects parametric survival analysis: Estimation, simulation and application.

    Stata Journal 2019;19(4):931-949.

  • Gasparini A, Clements MS, Abrams KR, Crowther MJ.

    Impact of model misspecification in shared frailty survival models.

    Statistics in Medicine 2019;38(23):4477-4502.

  • Conrado DJ, Larkindale J, Berg A, Hill M, Burton J, Abrams KR, Abresch RT, Bronson A, Chapman D, Crowther M, Duong T, Gordish-Dressman H, Harnisch L, Henricson E, Kim S , McDonald CM, Schmidt S, Vong C, Wang X, Wong BL, Yong F, Romero K; the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Regulatory Science Consortium (D-RSC).

    Towards regulatory endorsement of drug development tools to promote the application of model-informed drug development in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

    Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 2019;46(5):441-455.

  • Harhay MO, Ratcliffe SJ, Small DS, Suttner LH, Crowther MJ, Halpern SD.

    Measuring and Analyzing Length of Stay in Critical Care Trials.

    Medical Care 2019;57(9):e53–e59.

  • Morris TP, White I, Crowther MJ.

    Using simulation studies to evaluate statistical methods.

    Statistics in Medicine 2019;38(11):2074-2102.

  • Harhay MO, Porcher R, Thabut G, Crowther MJ, DiSanto T, Rubin S, Penfil Z, Bing Z, Christie JD, Diamond JM, Cantu E.

    Donor Lung Sequence Number and Survival after Lung Transplantation in the United States.

    Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2019;16(3):313-320.

  • Brilleman SL, Moreno-Betancur M, Polkinghorne KR, McDonald SP, Crowther MJ, Thomson J, Wolfe R.

    Changes in Body Mass Index and Rates of Death and Transplant in Hemodialysis Patients: A Latent Class Joint Modeling Approach.

    Epidemiology 2019;30(1):38-47.

  • Plym A, Johansson AL, Bower H, Voss M, Holmberg L, Fredriksson I, et al.

    Causes of sick leave, disability pension, and death following a breast cancer diagnosis in women of working age. 

    The Breast 2019;45:48-55.

  • Bower H, Andersson TM, Syriopoulou E, Rutherford MJ, Lambe M, Ahlgren J, et al.

    Potential gain in life years for Swedish women with breast cancer if stage and survival differences between education groups could be eliminated–Three what-if scenarios. 

    The Breast 2019;45:75-81.


  • Brilleman SL, Crowther MJ, Moreno-Betancur M, Novik J, Dunyak J, Al-Huniti N, Fox R, Hammerbacher J, Wolfe R.

    Joint longitudinal and time-to-event models for multilevel hierarchical data.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2018;28(12):3502-3515.

  • Harhay MO, Porcher R, Cantu E, Crowther MJ, Christie JD, Thabut G, Donaldson GC.

    An Alternative Approach for the Analysis of Time-to-event and Survival Outcomes in Pulmonary Medicine.

    Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018;198(5):684-687.

  • Latimer NR, Abrams KR, Lambert PC, Morden JP, Crowther MJ.

    Assessing methods for dealing with treatment crossover in clinical trials: a follow-up simulation study.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2018;27(3):765-784.

  • Landtblom AR, Bower H, Andersson TML, Dickman PW, Samuelsson J, Björkholm M, et al

    Second malignancies in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms: a population-based cohort study of 9379 patients. 

    Leukemia 2018;32(10):2203-10.

  • Bower H, Andersson TML, Crowther MJ, Dickman PW, Lambe M, Lambert PC.

    Adjusting expected mortality rates using information from a control population: an example using socioeconomic status.

    American Journal of Epidemiology 2018;187(4):828-36.

  • Plym A, Bower H, Fredriksson I, Holmberg L, Lambert PC, Lambe M.

    Loss in working years after a breast cancer diagnosis.

    British Journal of Cancer 2018;118(5):738-43.


  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    Parametric multi-state survival models: flexible modelling allowing transition-specific distributions with application to estimating clinically useful measures of effect differences.

    Statistics in Medicine 2017;36(29):4719-4742.

  • Sayers A, Crowther MJ, Judge A, Whitehouse MR, Blom A.

    Determining the sample size required to establish whether a medical device is non-inferior to an external benchmark.

    BMJ Open 2017;7:e015397.

  • Andersson TM-L, Crowther MJ, Czene K, Hall P, Humphreys K.

    Mammographic density reduction as a prognostic marker for postmenopausal breast cancer; results using a joint longitudinal-survival modelling approach.

    American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;186(9):1065-1073.

  • Wu Z, Lin C, Crowther M, Mak H, Yu M, Leung CK-S.

    Impact of rates of change of lamina cribosa and optic nerve head surface depths on visual field progression in glaucoma.

    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2017;58(3):1825-1833.

  • Hua H, Burke D, Crowther MJ, Ensor J, Tudur-Smith C, Riley RD.

    One-stage individual participant data meta-analysis models: estimation of treatment-covariate interactions must avoid ecological bias by separating out within-trial and across-trial information.

    Statistics in Medicine 2017;36(5):772-789.

  • Lambert PC, Wilkes SR, Crowther MJ.

    Flexible parametric modelling of the cause-specific cumulative incidence function.

    Statistics in Medicine 2017;36(9):1429-1446.

  • Marriott L, Zinaman M, Abrams KR, Crowther MJ, Johnson S.

    Analysis of urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin levels in normal and failing pregnancies using longitudinal, Cox proportional hazards and two-stage modelling.

    Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 2017;54(5):548-557.

  • Latimer NR, Abrams KR, Lambert PC, Crowther MJ, Wailoo AJ, Morden JP, Akehurst RL, Campbell MJ.

    Adjusting for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – a simulation study and simplified two-stage method.

    Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2017;26(2):724-751.

  • Syriopoulou E, Bower H, Andersson TM, Lambert PC, Rutherford MJ.

    Estimating the impact of a cancer diagnosis on life expectancy by socio-economic group for a range of cancer types in England.

    British Journal of Cancer 2017;117(9):1419-26.

  • Glimelius I, Eloranta S, Ekberg S, Chang ET, Neovius M, Smedby KE.

    Increased healthcare use up to 10 years among relapse-free Hodgkin lymphoma survivors in the era of intensified chemotherapy and limited radiotherapy.

    American Journal of Hematology 2017;92(3):251-258.

  • Frisk G, Tinge B, Ekberg S, Eloranta S, Bäcklund LM, Lidbrink E, Smedby KE.

    Survival and level of care among breast cancer patients with brain metastases treated with whole brain radiotherapy.

    Breast Cancer Research and Treatments 2017;166(3):887-896.


  • Bower H, Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    strcs: A command for fitting flexible parametric survival models on the log-hazard scale.

    The Stata Journal 2016;16(4):989-1012.

  • Brilleman SL, Crowther MJ, May MT, Gompels M, Abrams KR.

    Joint longitudinal hurdle and time-to-event models: an application related to viral load and duration of the first treatment regimen in patients with HIV initiating therapy.

    Statistics in Medicine 2016;35(20):3583–3594.

  • Asaria M, Walker S, Palmer S, Gale CP, Shah AD, Abrams KR, Crowther M, Manca A, Timmis A, Hemingway H, Sculpher M.

    Using electronic health records to predict costs and outcomes in chronic disease using the example of stable coronary artery disease.

    Heart 2016;102:755-762.

  • Walker S, Asaria M, Manca A, Palmer S, Gale CP, Shah A, Abrams KR, Crowther MJ, Timmis A, Hemingway H, Sculpher M.

    Long-term health care use and costs in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a population-based cohort using linked health records (CALIBER).

    European Heart Journal – Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes 2016;2(2):125-140.

  • Crowther MJ, Andersson TM-L, Lambert PC, Abrams KR and Humphreys K.

    Joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data: Incorporating delayed entry and an assessment of model misspecification.

    Statistics in Medicine 2016;35(7)1193-1209.

  • Creignou M, Bower H, Andersson TML, Landtblom AR, Dickman PW, Björkholm M, et al.

    Risk of Bleeding in 9,429 Patients with Philadelphia-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: a Population-Based Study from Sweden.

    Blood 2016;128(22):946.

  • Bower H, Björkholm M, Dickman PW, Höglund M, Lambert PC, Andersson TML.

    Life expectancy of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia approaches the life expectancy of the general population.

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34(24):2851-7.

  • Bower H, Andersson TM, Björkholm M, Dickman P, Lambert PC, Derolf ÅR.

    Continued improvement in survival of acute myeloid leukemia patients: an application of the loss in expectation of life. 

    Blood cancer journal 2016;6(2):e390-0.

  • Everhov ÅH, Ekberg S, Hirschberg AL, Bergmark K, Rådestad AF, Glimelius I, Smedby KE.

    Lost workdays in uterine cervical cancer survivors compared to the general population: impact of treatment and relapse.

    Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2016;10(3):514-23.

  • Chen L, Glimelius I, Neovius M, Ekberg S, Martling A, Eloranta S, Smedby KE.

    Work Loss Duration and Predictors Following Rectal Cancer Treatment among Patients with and without Prediagnostic Work Loss.  

    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2016;25(6):987-94.


  • Kandala NB, Connock M, Pulikottil-Jacob R, Sutcliffe P, Crowther MJ, Grove A, Mistry H, Clarke A.

    Setting benchmark revision rates for total hip replacement: analysis of registry evidence.

    BMJ 2015;350:h756.

  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    Reply to Letter to the Editor by Remontet et al.

    Statistics in Medicine 2015;34(25):3378-3380.

  • Clarke A, Pulikottil-Jacob R, Grove A, Freeman K, Mistry H, Tsertsvadze A, Connock M, Court R, Kandala NB, Costa M, Suri G, Metcalfe D, Crowther M, Morrow S, Johnson S, Sutcliffe P.

    Total hip replacement and surface replacement for the treatment of pain and disability resulting from end-stage arthritis of the hip (review of technology appraisal guidance 2 and 44): systematic review and economic evaluation.

    Health Technology Assessment 2015;19(10).

  • Gould AL, Boye ME, Crowther MJ, Ibrahim JG, Quartey G, Micallef S, Bois FY.

    Responses to discussants of ‘Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal non-survival data: current methods and issues. Report of the DIA Bayesian joint modelling working group’.

    Statistics in Medicine 2015;34(14):2202-2203.

  • Gould AL, Boye ME, Crowther MJ, Ibrahim JG, Quartey G, Micallef S, Bois FY.

    Joint modelling of survival and longitudinal non-survival data: current methods and issues. Report of the DIA Bayesian joint modelling working group.

    Statistics in Medicine 2015;34(14):2181-2195.

  • Rutherford MJ, Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    The use of restricted cubic splines to approximate complex hazard functions in the analysis of time-to-event data: a simulation study.

    Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2015;85(4)777-793.

  • Glimelius I, Ekberg S, Linderoth J, Jerkeman M, Chang ET, Neovius M, Smedby KE.

    Sick leave and disability pension in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by stage, treatment, and follow-up time–a population-based comparative study.

    Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2015;9(4):599-609.

  • Glimelius I, Ekberg S, Linderoth J, Jerkeman M, Chang ET, Neovius M, Smedby KE.

    Erratum to: Sick leave and disability pension in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by stage, treatment, and follow-up time-a population-based comparative study.

    Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2015;9(4):610-1.

  • Chen L, Glimelius I, Neovius M, Eloranta S, Ekberg S, Martling A, Smedby KE.

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  • Glimelius I, Ekberg S, Jerkeman M, Chang ET, Björkholm M, Andersson TM, Smedby KE, Eloranta S.

    Long-term survival in young and middle-aged Hodgkin lymphoma patients in Sweden 1992-2009-trends in cure proportions by clinical characteristics.

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  • Björkholm M, Bower H, Dickman PW, Lambert PC, Höglund M, Andersson TML.

    Temporal trends in chronic myeloid leukemia outcome using the loss in expectation of life: a Swedish population-based study.

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  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    A general framework for parametric survival analysis.

    Statistics in Medicine 2014;33(30):5280-5297.

  • Crowther MJ, Look MP, Riley RD.

    Multilevel mixed effects parametric survival models using adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature with application to recurrent events and individual participant data meta-analysis.

    Statistics in Medicine 2014;33(22):3844-3858.

  • Latimer NR, Abrams KR, Lambert PC, Crowther MJ, Wailoo AJ, Morden JP, Akehurst RL, Campbell MJ.

    Adjusting survival time estimates to account for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – an economic evaluation context: Methods, limitations and recommendations.

    Medical Decision Making 2014;34(3):387-402.


  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC, Abrams KR.

    Adjusting for measurement error in baseline prognostic biomarkers included in a time-to-event analysis: A joint modelling approach.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013;13:146.

  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    Simulating biologically plausible complex survival data.

    Statistics in Medicine 2013;32(23):4118-4134.

  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    stgenreg: A Stata package for general parametric survival analysis.

    Journal of Statistical Software 2013;53(12).

  • Crowther MJ, Hinchliffe SR, Donald A, Sutton AJ.

    Simulation-based sample size calculations for designing new clinical trials and diagnostic test accuracy studies to update an existing meta-analysis.

    The Stata Journal 2013;13(3):451-473.

  • Hinchliffe SR, Crowther MJ, Phillips RS, Sutton AJ.

    Using meta-analysis to inform the design of subsequent studies of diagnostic test accuracy.

    Research Synthesis Methods 2013;4(2):156-168.

  • Crowther MJ, Abrams KR, Lambert PC.

    Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data.

    The Stata Journal 2013;13(1):165-184.


  • Crowther MJ, Abrams KR, Lambert PC.

    Flexible parametric joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data.

    Statistics in Medicine 2012;31(30):4456-4471.

  • Ferreira ML, Herbert RD, Crowther MJ, Verhagen A, Sutton AJ.

    When is a further clinical trial justified?

    British Medical Journal 2012;345:e5913.

  • Crowther MJ, Lambert PC.

    Simulating complex survival data.

    The Stata Journal 2012;12(4):674-687.

  • Hinchliffe SR, Rutherford MJ, Crowther MJ, Nelson CP, Lambert PC.

    Should relative survival be used in the analysis of lung cancer data?

    British Journal of Cancer 2012;106:1854-1859.

  • Crowther MJ, Riley RD, Staessen JA, Wang J, Gueyffier F, Lambert PC.

    Individual patient data meta-analysis of survival data using Poisson regression models.

    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2012;12:34.

  • Crowther MJ, Langan D, Sutton AJ.

    Graphical augmentations to the funnel plot to assess the impact of a new study on an existing meta-analysis.

    The Stata Journal 2012;12(4):605-622.

  • Ara R, Blake L, Gray L, Hernandez M, Crowther MJ, et al.

    What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of using drugs in treating obese patients in primary care? A systematic review.

    Health Technology Assessment 2012;16(5).